What if the tables were turned?

Imagine a world where aphantasia isn’t the exception, but the rule.

A world where the vast majority of people don’t see images in their mind’s eye. How would our society, built largely by and for visualizers, be reshaped?

Would our schools teach differently? Would our art galleries look the same? How might our political discourse or scientific methods evolve?

And here’s a mind-bending thought: in this world, what if only 2% of the population could visualize?

How would we perceive these rare individuals who claim to see pictures in their heads that aren’t actually there?

Would we consider their vivid mental imagery a superpower, a distraction, or perhaps even a disorder?

As an aphant navigating our current visualizer-dominated world, I can’t help but wonder: how much of our human experience is shaped by the ability – or inability – to conjure mental images?