Digital nomad, founder, and amateur philosopher.

I’m Tom, a Canadian entrepreneur based in Valletta 🇲🇹. I’m the founder of Imagination Spectrum, where we lead groundbreaking research in aphantasia and imagination, developing innovative tools to assess and elevate the complexities of the human mind.

I send weekly email about aphantasia, philosophy of mind, and more.

Do you hear yourself think?

As you read these words, are you hearing them in your mind? Not with your ears, but with an inner voice – your own personal narrator? For many, this silent inner dialogue is as natural as breathing, a constant companion guiding their thoughts and decisions. But here’s a mind-bending revelation: for some people, this inner […]

Apple Recognizes Hyperphantasia

This week’s Apple Keynote unveiled something remarkable – the recognition of hyperphantasia, which represents the vivid end of the mental imagery spectrum. During the presentation, a screen prominently displayed “Hyperphantasia: The Vivid Imagination,” highlighting this extraordinary cognitive trait. For those of us with aphantasia, this acknowledgment from a tech giant like Apple is a remarkable […]

What does it mean to imagine?

Imagine your life in 5 years from now… What does it mean to answer this question? It’s a difficult one I’ve been wrestling with. I can think of different ways in which my life might evolve over the next 5 years. I have dreams and ambitions; I can make reasonable projections about what might unfold, […]

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